
Olympic 146GFE Glass Kiln

Original price was: $1,395.00.Current price is: $1,185.00.

Fusing and forming glass, heat-treating, and annealing, do it all with the 148GFE! This glass kiln is designed with versatility in mind. Fire up to 1700 degrees fahrenheit with only 120 volts of power. Easily switch from heating the top element to heating the body and vise-versa with just the flip of a switch! To make things even easier to set up for your first firing, a tall metal stand is included.

Upgrade to Genesis Touchscreen Controller

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SKU: Olympic-146GFE Categories: , , , Brand: ,


  • brand: Olympic
  • fuel: Electric
  • voltage: 120
  • phase: 1 Phase
  • shape: Circle
  • cone range: Low Fire
  • brick size: 2.5"
  • loading type: Top

Kiln Overview

Glass firing kilns are used for fusing and forming glass shapes, precious metal clay, and heat-treating. 120-volt glass fusing and precious metal clay models are equipped with a lid element for the fusing segment of the glass firing and a body element for the ramping up and down and annealing segments of the firing. A selector switch is on the electrical box to designate either the lid or body element to heat during the firing. Only one of the elements can be used at a time because of the limited power of 120 volts. If the selector switch remains in the neutral position, neither element will heat. Models come equipped with pilot light, 18” tall metal stand, stainless steel jacket, and Bartlett Instruments 3 Key electronic controller. Data is entered by scrolling through the up and down arrows for the desired ramp/hold programming. The model comes with a tall stand, peephole plug, lid wedge, and an instruction manual. Two-year warranty. INSIDE DIMENSIONS: 14.5″ WIDE X 6 ” DEEP, FIRES TO 1700° F

Shop Pottery Kilns

From large-scale pottery kilns for production studios to kilns for your home, Clay-King has you covered!

We know that professional pottery kilns are a significant investment toward your artistic goals, so we’re here to help! Our customer service team can help you find the best kiln for your specific needs and can offer tips to better maintain your kiln throughout the years.

If it’s your first time purchasing a production-grade pottery kiln, we can help you get started by finding the right voltage, fuel type, chamber capacity, loading type, and more. We carry pottery kilns from top manufacturers including Skutt, Olympic Kilns, L&L, Evenheat, and Amaco. Our warehouse is stocked with small, medium, and large kilns to fit the needs of any pottery studio.

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When you shop with Clay-King, you’re choosing a company that stands behind our kilns, clay, and products. You can rely on our team to provide unbeatable customer service and help you succeed.

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Clay-King is a leading supplier of pottery kilns and ceramic pottery products. Our warehouse is always stocked with pottery kilns of various sizes, fuel types, and brands. You can also find other kiln accessories you’ll need for your project.

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