
ClayMaster CEX02 – 4″ Stainless Steel Extruder with 4 Basic Dies

Original price was: $419.00.Current price is: $349.95.

Wall mounted extruder with dies

SKU: ClayMaster-extruder-4in Categories: ,


  • brand: Other
  • extruder type: Wall mount
  • construction type: Stainless Steel
  • shape: Square
  • size: 4 inch
The handle of the Clay Master extruder is longer than usual while the barrel is smaller than usual. This gives plenty of leverage without ratcheting. Consequently, there are no dangerous shackles, fewer pinch points, no clumsy multi-jointed handle to come loose, and no post or ratchet parts to wear out. The handle is anchored at one fixed pivot point, completely eliminating the danger of a heavy steel bar slipping or suddenly offering no resistance. Clay is loaded with the handle in the down position, again eliminating danger from a heavy, hard-to-control handle. These machines hold about eight pounds of clay, which will give a longer extrusion than most people can handle at one time.